Board Certified - Family Nurse Practitioner
"My goal as a practitioner is to provide care using a collaborative team approach, in which my patients are active participants in developing and evolving their care plans."
Call 715.552.9790 to schedule an appointment with this provider.
Ms. Reiter's practice focuses on oncology and palliative care. She believes in working hand-in-hand with patients and their families to ensure they have a care plan aligned with their personal goals. She worked for seven years as a registered nurse, then went on to an advanced practice role as a nurse practitioner in 2012. She has lived in Chippewa Falls since 2004 and is married with two children. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, camping, listening to live music, and watching her daughter compete in softball and ice racing.
Graduate School (Doctorate of Nursing Practice 2012)
- University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, WI, United States
Professional Societies
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners
- Oncology Nursing Society
- Hospice and Palliative Nurse Association

Schedule an appointment with me at these locations:
OakLeaf Clinics - Oncology
3802 Oakwood Mall Dr • Eau Claire